In this writing I want to consider inner space. It’s obvious, all of us (except for the homeless) have a physical space we can call our own - like our home , and in our home we may have a special personal space like an office or a hobby-room. However, our own ‘space’ also exists on an energy plane. What is that exactly, what is its significance , how do you know you have it or have lost it ? How can you keep your ‘space’ clean? And how do you recognize desirable or undesirable ‘guests’ in your space?
First of all: what is that ‘space’ ? In your physical body there is an ‘energy-body’ that keeps your body alive. It radiates around you as your aura. Seen from the physical world , the material viewpoint, your energy-body/aura appears as a space, as emptiness. But this ‘empty space’ is actually filled with light. And light is information. In your ‘space’ there is a flow of information that goes far beyond the comprehension of your mind. It is universal intelligence. It is your connection with the source from which everything is born. So, also the source from which your mental capacities, your thinking arises. You cannot understand it with your intellect, you can only be aware of it. Being conscious of it. It is the place of inner silence where your Higher Self gives information on your life’s goals and your life’s road. Ideas are born here as well as new solutions . While your ordinary thinking - your mind - analyses, evaluates and gives language and form to the things in the material world, your ‘space’ brings you renewal and originality. Your mind is only a small computer compared with the unlimited Intelligence to which your inner ‘space’ gives you access. It is therefore of great significance for your well being and your vitality , enabling you to live nourished by your own information rather then being programmed by the outside world . Through one’s inner space , one can command vast amounts of information - not only from this life on earth but also from many previous lives.
But is seems as if the world conspires to keep you away from connecting with this inner source. From morning to evening you are bombarded with mental messages that all want to have a place in your ‘space’. I consider television as the most intruding. After an evening in front of the tube, most people have totally lost their space , whether they are conscious of it or not. Even apart from TV, the ether is filled with mental noise because every thought is a “package” in the ether. We are all like radios that are sending out messages. Our days are full of information exchanges. In other words , you share your ‘space’ with others. With some people this can be a real pleasure but there are others who have no respect for your energy-body or space : people who are draining, the trespassers, usurpers, and ‘terrorists’. People that are only interested in mining as much energy / information from you as possible while others may mentally be so forceful that they take over somebody else’s space completely. Somewhat like a guest who takes over your whole house. But in this case it is your aura.
When you have draining people around you, you suddenly feel tired (sometimes only the next day) - when someone forcefully invades your space, you feel chased. Or you feel a tightness, dissatisfaction , or all of a sudden you have feelings of inadequacy. That is understandable when your are bombarded with all kinds of compelling demands that are not in harmony with your essence and with your current goals. So, when you feel something tightening in your body (a cramp or tension) , this is a signal that ideas and thoughts are entering your space which are not in alignment with your true self.
Ans Carels , December 2004